15世纪末至 1 7世纪中叶 ,随着世界大航海时代的到来 ,中英两国政府都力图把海外贸易纳入国家总体发展的轨道。一般认为 ,这一时期中国固守重农抑商的传统 ,西方包括英国则盛行重商主义 ,但两国海外贸易政策之间的异同及其根源、影响有待进一步探讨 ,这包括海外贸易政策的总体取向、具体进出口商品贸易政策以及国别或地区贸易政策。两国海外贸易政策的变迁不仅影响了海外贸易的兴衰 ,而且进一步影响到两国现代化因素的成长以及向近代社会转型的道路。
With the advent of world voyage ages from the end of 15th century, the state power in China and England managed to control the overseas trade. It had been argued that China performed the principles of promoting agriculture and curbing commerce, but England carried out the policy of mercantilism. There still was necessary to make further studies on the differences or similarities, the reasons or origins, the influences or impacts of them. The two countries' overseas trade policy had great influences upon the overseas trade development, even upon the transformation to the modern times.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition