投资建市场和投资办企业一样是一种经济行为。“空壳市场”的出现是其失败的直接表现。市场的兴衰有其复杂的内外原因 ,忽视营销管理层面的工作是目前一个带有一定普遍性的误区。营销管理的框架对市场的营销对象、营销组合以及营销环境分析、竞争与定位等方面作了初步分析。
Both investment in a market and investment in an enterprise are economic activities.The emergence of a shell market is the result of a failed investment in the market.Many factors,both internal and external,contribute to the ups and downs of a market.The common misunderstanding is the neglect of marketing management. In this article,the frame of marketing management is used to analyse the object,constitution and environment of marketing,competition and orientation.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)