由于受儒家思想的深刻影响 ,屈原、杜甫有相同的致君尧舜的政治理想 ,但理想与现实之间存在巨大反差 ,甚至在现实中根本就找不到理想实现的途径 ,结果 ,依前圣的准则所确立的理想和信念并为之献身的生命根基成了一种虚无的存在。屈原因怀疑社会、历史和宇宙自然而著《天问》 ,最后以结束生命的形式来结束无法得到回答的思考和疑问。杜甫没有产生屈原似的彻底的怀疑精神 ,那些“止于忠孝”、“一饭未忘君”的作品却获得了爱国的意义 。
Profoundly affected by the Confucian thought,QU Yuan and DU Fu had similar loyal political view points.Because there was no way to realize their ideal in the reality,and even great difference between the ideal and reality,their ideal and belief determined by the previous sages' criterions became purely imaginary,and their spiritual mainstays they were devoted to also became visionary.QU Yuan wrote the famous work 'Tian Wen'and eventually killed himself because of his being suspicious of the society,history and universe and his being unable to find the answers to the thought and suspicions.On the contrary,without QU Yuan's complete detective spirit,DU Fu's works which told the story of loyalty and filial obedience implied the feeling of patriotism,which was DU Fu's definite choice of culture.