中小企业在发达国家以及新兴工业国家和地区转型期中曾发挥过极为重要的作用 ,在当前的经济发展中仍不失主角地位。我国调整产业结构 ,进行国民经济转型升级 ,实现现代化 ,中小企业的战略地位和发展任务不可低估。我国具备发展中小企业的充裕条件 ,大力发展中小企业是我国调整产业结构的应有选择。
Medium and small businesses gave an important play in trasformation period of developed countries newly emerging industrial countries and regions. At presont, they are still in leading rote. In order to adjust industrial structure escalate national economy and make our country modernized, the task of developing medium and small businesses and their strategical status can not be underestated. Our country has plentiful conditions to develop medium and small businesses. So making strenuous efforts to develop medium and small businesses is a correct choice to adjust the industrial structure. Developing medium and small businesses needs a series of maero adjust policips and matched measures.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)