抗战时期无名氏的创作经历了一个与其时代的主导文学由亲和到疏离的过程。《北极风情画》和《塔里的女人》的“成功”,是他以一种“轻逸”姿态跃然于沉重的“时代写作”之上 ,确立其创作中的审美个人主义原则的开始。《北》和《塔》的意义在于 ,它使被严峻的时代压抑下去的个人性、浪漫性话语重新浮出了海面 ;它与“时代写作”的内在差异在于一种“梦”和“理想”的差异。
WuMing-shi's earlier works experinced a process from intimacy with to alienation from 'time writing'. The success of WuMing shi'novels. Paint of Amorous Feelings in the South Pole and Woman in the Tower,was due to his choise between 'lightness' and 'heaviness'. From that, he affirmed the principal of romantic individuality in his writing. The significance of the novels is that he made the individual discourses arising from the oppression of the searious 'time'. The differences between his writing and 'time writing' are the differences between political 'ideal' and individual 'dream'. From that, WuMing shi went on a road of aesthetic individual writing.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)