1F. Heyer, "Der Titel der Kanonensammlung Gratians", in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stifung fiir Rechtsgeschichte, Kanonistisehe Abteilung, Vol.2 (1912),pp. 336-342 ; "Namen und Titel des Gratianisehen Dekrets', in Archiv fur katholisches Kirchenrecht,Vol.94 (1914), pp.501-517.
2Gelasius I, Epistolae 12, 2, Patrologiaelatinaesupplementum, Vol.3, p.20.
3A. Friedberg, ed., Corpus iuris canonici, part 1, Decretum Magistri Gratiani. Graz,Akademischen Druek-U. Verlagensanstalt, reprint edition, 1959.
4U. - R. Blumenthal, "The Beginnings of the Gregorian Reform: Some New Manuscript Evidence", in Blumenthal, ed. , Reform and Authority in the Medieval and Reformation Church. Washington D. C. : TheCatholic University of America Press, 1981, pp. 1-13.
5The Investiture Controversy: Church and Monarchy from the Ninth to the Twelfth Century,Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 19880.
6K. A. Fink, Papsttum und Kirche im abendl andischen Mittelalter. Munich: Beck, 1981, pp.36-39.
7Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Leges 4, Vol.2, p. 159.
8S. Chodorow, Christian Political Theory and Church Politics in the Mid-Twelfth Century: The Ecclesiology of Gratian's Decretum. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972, pp.53-64. S. Chodorow .
9J.E. Lynch, "Marriage and Celebacy of the Clergy, the Discipline of the Western Church: An Historico-Canonical Synopsis", in Jurist, Vol.32 (1972), pp.14-38, 189-212.
10A. Thiel,ed., Epistolae romanorum pontificum genuinae, reprint edition. Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1974, p.568.