为了提高工作效率 ,作者使用了网络数据库技术对激光光散射测量的数据进行管理。文中详细地介绍了利用动态服务器网页ASP (ActiveServerPages)技术建立激光光散射测量数据的Web数据库。在作为服务器的微机上的数据库中的数据表是用ACCESS建立的。该数据库实现了对测试样品的数据进行有效的管理 ,并且利用数据库的查询功能对数据按一定的要求进行归类 ,为方便用户对测试结果进行分析打下基础。为了阐述清楚 。
We usually applied to measure samples and obtained the results from measuring the samples using pen and paper. And we sum the money and the number of the measurement by hand. We try to manage the data from laser light scattering using Web database in order to change the poor situation.The design and development of Web database for laser light scattering is described in this paper in detail. And the tables of database on the server is developed using ACCESS. This database not only can manage data, but also can sort the data according some condition. It is convenient for user to analyze the measured results. Active Server Pages is described in this paper as well.
Computers and Applied Chemistry