以盐酸依诺沙星与四苯硼酸盐生成的分子缔合物制成新型PVC膜依诺沙星选择电极,应用于依诺沙星药片的含量测定。在pH 2.2~6.5范围内,电极的能斯特响应范围为5.0×10^(-5)~1.0×10^(-2)mol/L,斜率为58.0mV/pc,检出限为4.2×10^(-6)mol/L。该电极响应速度快,重现性好。3次测定的平均回收率为97.5%,RSD为1.0%,结果与紫外分光光度法基本一致。
A new PVC membrane enoxacin ion-selective electrode is prepared based on enoxacin and Na-TBP association complex. The electrode has been used for the determination of enoxacin in medicinal tablet. The electrode showed Nernst response for enoxacin with a slope of 58.0 mV/pc over the concentration range of 5.0×10-5- 1.0×10-2 mol/L, and the detection limit being 4.2×10-6 mol/L. The electrode has fast response and good reproducibility. The average recovery is 97.5 % and RSD is 1.0%(n = 3). The procedure of this method is simple and the results obtained agree with those of ultraviolet spectrophotometry.
Chemical Analysis And Meterage