一氧化氮 (NO)是一种不稳定的小分子有害气体 ,又是一种生物活性物质 ,参与了多种疾病的病理生理过程。NO在体内由L 精氨酸在一氧化氮合酶的作用下生成。它分布于睾丸、附睾及输精管等组织中 ,也分布于精子的顶体和尾部 ,对生精过程 ,精子活力、活率 ,受精能力以及精子脂质过氧化反应等具有重要的影响和双向调节作用。低浓度NO有益于增加精子活力、活率 ,降低精子脂质过氧化反应 ,提高精子的受精能力 ;高浓度NO对精子具有损伤作用 ,使精子活力、活率下降 ,脂质过氧化反应加强。本文简要介绍了NO在体内的产生机制 ,并着重概述了NO对精子的调节作用及影响。
Nitric oxide(NO) is a gas of small molecule with toxic properties, but it is also a biologically active substance involved in numerous pathologic and physiologic processes. NO is produced in vivo from L arginine by nitric oxide synthase. It can be found in testis, epididymis, vas deferens and in the acrosome and tail of spermatozoa. Nitric oxide has been shown to play significant roles and biphasic effects in all stages of spermatogenesis, sperm motility, viability, and fertilization as well as lipid peroxidation. Low concentration of nitric oxide is beneficial to sperm motility and viability, and reduction of lipid peroxidative damage to sperm membranes and improvement of fertilization. However, high concentration nitric oxide inhibit sperm motility, viability and enhances lipid peroxidative damage to sperm membranes and induces sperm toxicity. An overview of the generation mechanism of NO , its regulation effects and influences on sperm is introduced.
National Journal of Andrology