目的 :研究嗅鞘细胞在脊髓挫裂损伤后不同时期植入能否帮助轴突再生、穿过瘢痕和神经功能恢复。方法 :用 NYU打击器制造 Log Evans Hooded大鼠的脊髓挫裂损伤模型 ,在伤后即刻和二周后植入嗅鞘细胞 ,采用 BBB方法做行为学观察三个月 ,经运动皮层注入神经示踪剂 (BDA)后行组织化学研究。结果 :部分大鼠嗅鞘细胞植入后比对照组的神经功能恢复好 ,组织学发现这些神经功能恢复好 (BBB分数 >10 )的大鼠 ,再生神经轴突能穿过损伤瘢痕区到达损伤下段。结论 :嗅鞘细胞在脊髓挫裂损伤后即刻和二周后植入均能帮助轴突再生、穿过瘢痕和神经功能恢复。
Objective: To study whether olfactory ensheathing glias (OEGs) transplanted during different term can promote axonal regeneration, go through the sear and recover neural function in injured spinal cords. Methods: Log Evans Hooded rats were injured with the NYU impactor, then OEGs were transplanted immediately and two weeks later after injury. Behavior of rats was observed by means of BBB scale for 3 months. Neural tracing (BDA) was injected in the motor cortex for histochemistry. Results: Some rats treated with immediate or delayed OEGs transplant recovered better than vehicle treated rats. Rats that had better functional recovery (BBB score>10) also had better axonal growth through the injury site and reenter the distal spinal cord below injury site. Conclusion: These results indicate that immediate and two weeks delayed OEGs transplantation could promote axonal regeneration, go through the scar and recover neural function in contusion spina cords.\;
Journal of Naval General Hospital of PLA
Olfactury ensheathing glias Contusion spinal cords Axonal regeneration Functional recovery