村民自治是随着农村经济体制改革和国家民主化的进程而产生和兴起的乡村新型组织形式。但是由于历史、社会、文化的影响 ,村民自治权力发生了位移。文章对村民自治权力发生位移(包括正式位移和非正式位移)的形式、过程、原因进行了透视 ,对自治权力的合法行使提出了自己的意见。
The peasantry autonomy is a new organization form in village which appears in the wake of the structural reforms of village economy and the democratic reforms of the state But,a displacement (formal displacement and informal displacement)of autonomy power have taken place because of the influences of history,society and culture In this paper, the form, the course and cause of displacement of autonomy power of peasants has been analysed, and suggestions on the legal enforcement of autonomy power has been offered.
Journal of GuangXi Cadres College of Economic and Management