
论黄河长治久安 被引量:21

Discussion About Long Term Harness and Safety of the Yellow River
摘要 就如何实现水利部部长汪恕诚对治黄工作提出的“堤防不决口、河道不断流、污染不超标、河床不抬高”4项目标问题进行了分析论证 ,指出 :①黄河大堤 5种决口形式 (漫决、冲决、溃决、凌汛决口和人为决口 )中 ,通过水库调节可以解决凌汛决口 ,对堤防威胁最大的漫决、冲决、溃决问题需要采取加高加固堤防、水库群联合调度、运用分滞洪区、河道整治等综合措施加以解决。②黄河不断流是经济社会可持续发展的需要 ,要通过行政、经济、工程、科技和法律等多种手段去努力实现。③要保证黄河水质不超标 ,一是流域机构的水资源保护部门要提出沿河每个省 (区 )的最大许可排污量 ;二是要将水质监测结果在新闻媒体上公布 ,让社会舆论进行监督 ;三是要运用法律的手段对违法行为进行严厉制裁。④黄河河床的不断抬高是由于黄河水少沙多、水沙不平衡所致 ,加强水土保持、加快中游水沙调控体系建设和河口治理、适时调水冲沙是抑制黄河河床抬高的根本途径。 The issues of how to ensure the four targets of “no dyke breach, no dry river, no over standard water pollution and no increased sedimentation in the river bed the Yellow River”proposed by Wang Shucheng, Minister of MWR, for the Yellow River harness have been analyzed and demonstrated in the paper. It is pointed out that ① in all the five types of dyke breaking (caused by overtopping, erosion, outburst, ice flood and man-made breaking), the one caused by ice flood can be solved through reservoir adjustment, while to the most dangerous causes of overtopping, erosion and outburst, the comprehensive treatments of strengthening the dykes, combination operation of reservoirs, setting up detention basin, river channel harness and so on should be applied; ② it is necessary for the society sustainable development to make sure of no dry channel in the Yellow River, therefore, measures such as administration, economic, engineering, scientific, legislation and others should be developed to realize the target; ③in order to keep the water quality within the pollution standard, three ways must be adopted: first is river administration institute and water resource protection department establish the maximum acceptable volume of pollution material from each province in the river basin, second is publish the water quality monitoring results in news media to make public opinion take supervision, and third is to take severe legal action to the unlawful practices; ④the increased height of the river bed by sedimentation is mainly caused from less runoff but more sediment and unbalanced water and sediment in the river, thus, it is the basic way for solving the issue to enhance soil and water conservation, speed up the construction of water and sediment adjustment system in the middle reaches and harness in the river mouth area, use water diversion to scouring sedimentation in proper time.
作者 李国英
机构地区 黄河水利委员会
出处 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2001年第7期1-2,共2页 Yellow River
关键词 河道淤积 河道污染 断流 堤防决口 黄河 sedimentation in river channel water pollution in the river dry river dyke breaking the Yellow River
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