目的 探讨投影幅数和采样间隔对 CT重建能力的影响程度 ,为图像重建时选择参数提供依据 .方法 通过计算机仿真测定参数值不同时 CT重建图像的能力 .结果 CT的图像重建能力与投影幅数和采样间隔的大小密切相关 .结论 通过增大投影幅数或减小采样间隔可以提高
Aim\ To research the effect of projection numbers and sampling intervals on CT reconstruction capability in order to offer a basis to the system parameter for selecting. Methods\ For measuring the reconstruction capability of differen t parameters, the simulation is used. Results\ The reconstruction capability is closely related to the p rojection numbers and sampling intervals. Conclusion\ By increasing projection number or reducing saupling i nterval, the reconstruction capability can be improved.
Journal of Test and Measurement Technology