
NO含量用于评价瓷融附金属修复后牙龈改变的研究 被引量:4

Gingiva Changes After Porcelain Fused to Metals Prosthesis Evaluated by the Content of Nitric Oxide
摘要 目的 :研究NO含量用于评价瓷融附金属 (PFM )修复后牙龈组织的病理改变 ,为PFM修复适应症的选择提供依据。方法 :选取PFM修复后局部牙龈增生需行牙龈切除术的 19例患者的牙龈组织为实验组 ,另取 10例因正畸需要行拔牙术发生牙龈撕裂的健康牙龈组织为对照组 ,利用透射电子显微镜和NO含量测定法进行对比分析。结果 :电镜下PFM修复后的牙龈组织出现炎性细胞浸润和细胞变性、坏死改变 ,且NO含量随PFM修复时间的延长而增加。结论 :PFM修复后牙龈组织存在明显的炎症反应 ,且与修复时间呈正相关。NO含量检测技术对评价PFM修复后牙龈组织的病理改变具有良好的准确性、可重复性和对不同修复时间人群之间的分辨能力 ,值得推广应用。 Objective:Our aim was to study the gingival changes after porcelain fused to metals (PFM) prosthesis evaluated by nitric oxide (NO).On the base of this study, we could help the selection of PFM prosthetic case.Methods: Nineteen patients gingiva tissues were used as test-group who need partial gingiva excision with hyperplasia gingiva after PFM prosthesis.Ten patients gingiva tissues were used as controls who need the extraction of their health tooth accompany with gingiva laceration.Transelectromicroscope was used. The contents of NO were compared between the test-group and the controls.Results: Many inflammatory cells infiltration and necrosis could be seen in the test-group by using transelectromicroscope.The contents of NO was positively correlated with time (r=0.8702). Conclusion: The PFM prosthesis could cause inflammation of gingiva tissue. And there is a positive correlation between NO contents and PFM prosthetic time. The contents of NO is helpful in the clinical dentistry.
作者 吕卉 杨晓东
出处 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期223-225,共3页 Journal of China Medical University
关键词 瓷融附金融 牙龈组织 超微结构 一氧化氮 porcelain fused to metals gingiva tissue ultrastrcture nitric oxide
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