记述了中国福建淡水枝角类一新亚种 :球棘盘肠氵蚤 Chydoruspubescensglospinosa sub sp.nov.和一个国内新记录种 :单岬粗毛氵蚤 Microthrix capensis-monodi Gauthier,1 930 .模式标本保存在福建师范大学生物工程学院 .新亚种与盘肠氵蚤属已知的其他种类的主要区别在于不仅壳瓣表面的网纹的边缘呈波纹状或锯齿状 。
In this paper one new subspecies: Chydorus pubescens glospinosa sub sp. nov. from China is described, and Macrothrix capensis monodi Gauthier,1930 is recorded for the first time from China.This new subspecies differs from other knowed species of Chydorus in that there is a wavy line network on the valves surface , but also the valves are covered with hard spines.Holotype ♀,Paratypes 30♀♀, a pond in Sha Xian County, Fujian,China.The type is deposited in the bioengineering College of Fujian Teachers University, Fuzhou, Fujian, China.
Journal of Fujian Normal University:Natural Science Edition