驻马店洪涝灾害发生频繁 ,季节集中 ,强度大 ,范围广 ,空间分布不均 ,发展趋于小水量、高水位和大灾情 .降水和土形是产生洪涝灾害的直接原因 ,而人类活动则通过水土流失、河道设障等方面间接地、缓慢地影响洪灾的发生 .驻马店未来减灾必须采取工程和非工程措施 。
The paper analyses the characteristics about flooding disasters in Zhumadian with high frequency, concentration in season, big strength, vast limits, unwell-distributed and huge destructioon. The direct cause of flooding is the precipitatin and topographer, humdn factor that in cluding water and soil losing, barrier in watercourses is the indirect reason. Finally, the paper proposes that the engineering measure, ecological measure and ministration measure should be synthetically carried out in order to control flooding disasters of Zhumadian in the future.
Journal of Tianzhong