飞速发展的当今科技使时代变得丰富多采 ,高效与个性的“按需印刷”时代已经到来 ,快速、优质、按客户需求完成的个性化按需印刷将是新世纪印刷业发展的一大热点。在此 ,对按需印刷这一印刷新技术进行了综述 ,着重分析了按需印刷的特点 ,探讨了按需印刷在国内的发展障碍及其应用前景。
The development of modern science and technology makes our times varied and colourful.The times of demand printing,embodying high efficiency and personality,has been coming.Quickness high quality and personality of demand printing are the hot spots in the development of print industry in new century.The demand printing and relevantly new techniques are summarized,the features of demand printing are especially analyged.The obstade in developing of demand printing and the application prospects are also discussed.