对河北省藓类植物进行考察、整理、鉴定 ,发现了河北省侧蒴藓类植物新记录 7种 1变型 ,它们是 :中华白齿藓 Leucodon sinensis Thèr.、拟草藓 Pseudoleskeopsiszippelii( Dozy & Molk.) Broth.、硬枝小羽藓H aplocladium strictulum( Card.) Reim.、粗肋镰刀藓北方变型 Drepanocladussendtneri( Schimp.) Warnst.f.borealis Moenk.、撒氏青藓 Brachythecium sakuraii Broth.、细疣绢藓 Entodon verruculosus X.S.Wen、赤茎小锦藓 Brotherella erythrocaulis( Mitt.) Fleisch.、粗叶拟垂枝藓 Rhytidiadelphus squarosus( Hedw.) Warnst..根据标本初步讨论了这些植物的识别特征、生境、产地和地理分布特点 ,并绘制了形态解剖图 ,以期对河北省藓类植物的系统研究和植物多样性的统计分析提供资料 .鉴定标本保存在河北师范大学生命科学学院植物标本室 ( HBNU) .
Based on the investigation,collection and careful study of pleurcoarpous mosses from Hebei province,there are seven species and one forma,which are Leucodon sinensis Ther.,Pseudoleskeopsis zippelii(Dozy & Molk.)Broth.,Haplocladium strictulum(Card.)Reim.,Drepanocladus sendtneri(Schimp.)Warnst.f.borealis Moenk.,Brachythecium sakuraii Broth.,Entodon verrulosus X.S.Wen,Brotherella erythrocaulis(Mitt.)Fleisch.,Rhytidiadelphus squarosus(Hedw.)Warnst.,first recorded in Hebei province.According to the specimens,the characteristics of the habitat,diagnosis and geographical distribution of every species are also given.In addition,the pictures of these species are drawn.The aim is to provide datum for the systematic study and the statistical analysis of bryoflora diversity as well as for the reservation and application of bryophyte resources of Hebei and China.The studied specimens are deposited in the herbarium of College of Life Science,Hebei Normal University(HBNU).
Journal of Hebei Normal University:Natural Science
河北省自然科学基金!资助项目 (30 110 7)
河北省自然科学基金!资助项目 (396 176 )