通过对川西北壤塘含金剪切带中典型构造岩地球化学特征的研究 ,结果表明代表早期韧性变形的产物———构造微晶片岩 ,其物质成分总的向外迁出 ,而与成矿作用密切相关的晚期脆性叠加变形形成的碎裂闪长玢岩、石英闪长岩其物质总的是迁入。这说明了壤塘含金剪切带早期及中深构造层次的韧性变形过程中 ,物质的迁出为成矿作用提供了物质基础和流体 ;成矿过程中脆性变形形成的碎裂岩脉 ,表现为物质的迁入 ,因此这一阶段是主要的成矿阶段。
Geochemical characteristics of typical tectonite in auriferous shear zones in Zamtang,northwest Sichuan show that microlitic schist as tectonite resulting from early ductile deformation is characterized by material output,while cataclastic diorite porphyrite and quartz diorite in close relationship with the ore-formation by material input. This indicates that early ductile deformation laid a material foundation for the ore-formation,while later brittle deformation resulting in cataclastic dikes represented principal ore-forming stage in the Ramtang auriferous shear zones.
Acta Geologica Sichuan