对草地质量的评价和退化草地的重建 ,有一个很重要的内容就是建立起能够准确反映草地质量状况的指标体系。以决定采取何种复建措施。本文根据国内国际对草地退化研究的最新认识 ,初步构建了选择衡量草原退化程度的理化指标的原则 ,并通过对吉林省西部不同退化程度的草原土壤的理化性质的测试分析 ,研究了各理化指标的变异与草原退化相互放大作用 ,从而确定了吉林西部草地退化程度的评价因子。
Based on the up-to-date research of domestic and overseas soil degradation, this paper preliminarily put forward the principle for choosing the element of criterion. The authors tested the physical and chemical properties of soil in west Jilin. Based on analyses the data, this paper describes the relationship between the change of soil characteristic and the degree of soil degradation, and determines the element of criterion for the soil in west Jilin.
Jilin Geology