基于世界范围内“天灾人祸”的严峻形势 ,作者简述了灾害发生、发展的自然和人为因素 ,即环境恶化、化学与辐射灾祸增多和交通事故日趋严重 ,并提出了相应的社会预防措施 ;由于灾害的发生具有突发性、群体性、破坏性和复杂性等特点 ,树立灾害防制的“社会大卫生观”,应在全社会倡导社会“大救援”。
Because of the severe situation of disasters worldwide, natural and man-made factors of disaster occurrence and development, including environment deterioration and increase in chemical, radiant and traffic disasters are described. The social prevention and control measures of disasters should be put forward. In the light of the characteristics of rapid-onset, occurrence in group, destructiveness and complexity of disasters, it is pointed that a viewpoint of “social pan-health” and “pan-rescue”should be adopted in the whole society.
Journal of Catastrophology