目的 旨在探讨影响保健食品发展的有关因素 ,正确引导保健食品的开发和消费。方法 采用随机抽样方法抽取 1114名保健食品消费者进行有关保健食品的知识、态度和消费行为的问卷调查。结果 消费者获得保健食品知识主要来自于广播电视和报刊杂志 ,分别为 83.3%和 6 1.7% ;42 .7%消费者在 1999年购买保健食品的费用在 2 0 0~ 5 0 0元。结论 采取有效措施普及营养保健知识 。
Objective In order to research influence factor of health food developing and guide correctly the developing and consuming of health food.Method 1 114 consumers were under investigation using random sampling method, a standard questionaire about Knowledge Attitude Practice(K-A-P) of health food.Results 83.3% and 61.7% consumers selected broadcast television,newspapers and magazine as their main sources to obtain health food knowledge. 42.7 % consumer paid for health food between 200~500 Yuan last year.Conclusion Certain effective measures should be taken to train consumers on knowledge about health and nutrition. Legal management of market of health food should be emphasized.
Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science)