目的 :探讨角膜曲率对角膜屈光手术效果的影响及近视患者角膜曲率的部分规律。方法 :检查所有手术眼术前角膜曲率 ,按角膜曲率的高低分为 10组 ,分析对比每一组的人数、手术效果 ;对比分析所有术眼术前两眼曲率差值。结果 :①发现近视眼角膜角膜曲率的分布曲线。②各个组别的近视眼手术后达到或超过术前最佳矫正视力的百分比近似。③双眼的角膜曲率的差值最小为 0D ,最大为 0 .75D ,平均为 0 .2 6± 0 .2 2D。结论 :①角膜曲率的高低对准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术的疗效没有影响。②近视眼的角膜曲率分布有一定的规律。③双眼角膜曲率差值小。
Objective: To investigate the effect of corneal refraction on curative effect of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy and the regulation of corneal refraction of the eyes with myopia and myopic astigmatism . Methods: The corneal refraction of all eyes were measured preoperatively and all the cases were divided into ten groups according to the difference of corneal refraction . The surgical results and the preoperative bilateral difference of corneal refraction were compared between each group. Results: ①The distribution curve of myopic corneal refraction were found. ②All the eyes maintained the best corrective visual acuity or better after surgery and there was no significant difference among all the groups. ③The bilateral difference of corneal refraction ranged from 0 to 0.75 diopter with a mean of 0.26±0.22D. Conclusion: ①The difference of corneal refraction has no effect on excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy . ②Myopic corneal refraction has a distributive regulation. ③There is no significant difference between bilateral corneal refraction.
Hebei Medicine