目的 探讨高碘环境对机体生殖系统的影响。方法 分别用含碘 0、5 0 0 0、10 0 0 0、2 0 0 0 0 μg/ L 的水喂养雄性小鼠 ,6周后处死 ,对小鼠的雄性生殖腺的形态和功能进行检查。结果 饮水摄碘浓度为 10 0 0 0 μg/ L及其以下时 ,碘对实验小鼠的体重等一般情况无明显影响 ,饮水摄碘浓度为 2 0 0 0 0 μg/ L 时实验小鼠体重增长减慢 ;各浓度碘对小鼠附睾重量及形态无明显影响 ,5 0 0 0 μg/ L 和 10 0 0 0 μg/ L 给碘组的睾丸相对重量均小于对照组 ,给碘组间无量效关系 ;各组间睾丸碘含量无明显差异 ;小鼠雄性性腺功能指标精子计数、精子活力精子畸形各组间均无显著差异。结论 在一定的水碘浓度及给碘时间下 。
Objective This study is aimed to know the effect of high iodine intake on the male reproduction.Methods The study mice were divided into 3 treatment groups with 5 000?10 000?20 000 μg/L high iodine drank respectively and 1 control group. All animals were sacrificed after 6 weeks administration and needed indexes were taken and analysed.Results Except for the body weight of mice in 20 000 μg/L group and testis organ rate of mice in 5 000 μg/L and 10 000 μg/L groups, there were no obvious change on morphologic and functional reproductive indexes.Conclusions High iodine intake under this special condition had no effect on the male reproduction of mice.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology