目的 观察在有机溶剂暴露情况下母亲和新生儿细胞色素 P45 0氧化酶 MSP1基因易感性对新生儿出生体重的影响。方法 采用流行病学现况调查方法 ,使用统一调查表 ,由经过培训的调查员在北京燕山某医院对 1997~ 1998年入院分娩的 792个母婴对进行调查。结果 采用自由效应模型 ,将母亲文化程度、年龄、被动吸烟、倒班、生育史、孕前身高、体重、新生儿性别、孕周混杂因素放入回归模型进行调整 ,发现 AG(母亲 ) - AG(新生儿 )基因型其新生儿出生体重(- 6 4.6± 2 9)显著低于其它各组基因型。进一步分析发现 AG(母亲 ) - AG(新生儿 )基因型在有机溶剂暴露情况下 ,可以使新生儿出生体重显著降低 (- 10 7.9± 34 .2 )。可见 AG(母亲 ) - AG(新生儿 )基因型可能是有机溶剂暴露的易感基因。结论 在这组人群中新生儿出生体重受遗传因素的影响 ,同时 ,母亲、婴儿
Objective To observe the effects of genetic susceptibility of cytochrome P450 oxidase MSP1 of newborn and mothers exposed to organic solvents on newborn birthweight Methods Using standard questionnaire,the 792 singleton live born infant mother pairs were investigated by trained field workers with retrospective epidemiological method in a hospital of Beijing Yanshan during 1997~1998 Results Compared with other genotypes,AG(mother) AG(infant) genotype combination was associated with a significant reducation(β=-64 6±29, P<0 5 ) in birthweight using random effects models with adjustment for major confounders including maternal education,age,passive smoking,shift work,parity,pre pregnant weight and height,infant sex and gestational age AG(mother) AG(infant) genotype combination was associated with a significant reducation(β=-107 9±34 2, P<0 01 ) in birthweight under the maternal exposure to organic solvent AG(mother) AG(infant) genotype might be susceptible to organic solvent exposure Conclusion The obtained data suggested a genetic influence on birthweight in this population,and also provided the evidence of interactions of maternal and infant genes with organic solvent exposure
Journal of Environment and Health
美国国立卫生研究院芳香烃类物质对生殖健康的遗传易感性研究基金资助 (97- NCERQA- 3B)