目的 了解铅污染区幼儿身体发育情况和对病原的易感性。方法 选取铅污染区某幼儿园 82名 3~ 7岁幼儿为调查对象 ,测定血铅、血红蛋白、身高、体重 ,另取选经济水平相同的非污染区某幼儿园中年龄结构相同的幼儿为对照进行比较。并调查了两地幼儿园的学期病假率及感冒发病率。结果 污染区大气铅浓度为 2 .41± 2 .36 μg/ m3 ,幼儿血铅为1.2 43± 0 .896μmol/ L ,身高、体重指标均低于对照组 ,幼儿学期病假率 2 .2 % ,高于对照组 (P<0 .0 1) ,感冒发病相对危险度 3.35倍。结论 铅污染区幼儿的身体发育受到影响 。
Objective To understand the development and the susceptibility to pathogens among children in area with air pollution by lead Methods The blood lead levels,the levels of hemoglobin,heights and weights were measured among 82 children aged 3~7 years in a certain nursery school in lead polluted area The control group was selected in an area without air pollution by lead based on the same economic levels and the same constitution of age in children compared with those in polluted area The rates of sick leave in a semester and incidence rates of cold were surveyed among children in two areas Results The levels of lead in air and the levels of blood lead of children in polluted area reached 2 41±2 36 μg/m 3 and 1 243±0 896 μmol/L respectively Significantly lower levels of heights and weights,significantly higher rate (2 2%) of sick leave were observed in polluted area compared with those in control area ( P <0 01) The value of relative risk of catching cold was 3 35 in polluted area Conclusion The children's development had been impaired and the susceptibility to pathogens had increased in lead polluted area
Journal of Environment and Health