IP电器终端的发展、最终用户服务分离技术、城域骨干网的建设和改造、内容供应商的商业模式以及互联网供应商的营运模式这5个互联网经济中的环节都代表着无比巨大的商业机遇。如何变商业机遇为经济现实的挑战在于能否将这五个环节有机地结合并运作起来,形成良性的互联网生态系统 。
The five links in the Internet-based economy, namely the development of the IP electrical appliances terminals, the end user service isolation technologies, the construction and renovation of the metropolitan area backbone network, the business modes of ICPs, and the operating modes of ISPs, represent huge business opportunities. The challenge as how to turn the business opportunities into economic reality lies in the organic integration of the five links and the formation of a sound Internet ecosystem, thereby bringing up a mutually beneficial win-win business environment.
World Telecommunications