当前 ,网络经济大幅滑坡 ,网络公司纷纷出局 ,从而对全球经济产生了强烈的震撼和影响 ,也引发了人们对互联网的再认识和思考。信息产业部领导最近在有关批示中明确提出 ,在网络一片泡沫时 ,要头脑冷静 ;在网络一片萧条中 ,更要保持清醒的头脑。对全球信息化进程中出现的波折和网络经济进行必要的自我调整 ,要客观分析 ,正确对待。为此 ,本刊借今年国际电信日之际 ,对国外一些学者和专家的观点整理成文 ,以飨读者。也欢迎大家发表自己的观点 。
The Editorial Department of WTEditor's note: The current network economic shrinkage has exerted an intense impact on the global economy and triggered off the reconsideration of Internet. According to officials from the MII, network foam entails a cool head and network depression requires a sober mind. The twists and turns in the process of global informatization and the necessary network economic rectification should be handled correctly on account of objective analysis. To this end, the journal presents the viewpoints of some experts and foreign newspapers and periodicals on the occasion of the International Telecommunications Day.
World Telecommunications