目的:观察复方维E紫草油外用对新生儿硬肿症的治疗效果.方法:在常规治疗方法的同时采用每10ml复方紫草油中加入200mg维生素E外涂硬肿部位,配合局部按摩5~10min,3~5次/d,以4日内硬肿消失或大部分消失,剩余部分变软判为有效.结果:治疗组2日内有效率46.88%,4日内有效率90.63%,死亡率3.13%.对照组2日内有效率13.33%,4日内有效率43 33%,死亡率10%,两组比较有显著差异性(P<0.01).结论:复方维E紫草油外用为治疗新生儿硬肿症的一种有效方法之一.
Objective: To observe the vitamin E and Arnebid euchroma joust oil compund in external use clinical effects in scle-redema neonatoruim. . Methods: Besides for convention treatment, amear the evitamin E and arnebid enchroma joust oil compound on sclerous skin . Take concerted massage 5-10min , 3 - 5 frequency every day . It is effective that sclerous disappear or large part disappear, surplus part arepliable in about four day. Results:The treat group effective rate is 46. 88% 90. 63% in about two day and in four day. the death rate is 3. 13% . other group effective rate is 13. 39 % and 43. 33 % in about two day and four day . death rate is 10%. The difference is remarkable (P < 0. 01) . Conclusion: It is one effective methods that Vitaminum E and Arnebid euchroma joust oil compound treat Scleredema neonatruim in external use .
Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy
Scleredema neonatorum
Vitaminum E
Arnebid euchroma joust oil
External Massage