本文在微观sdIBM - 2框架下 ,计算了1 88Os核的能谱、约化E2跃迁矩阵元、E2跃迁玻色子结构函数 (BSF)以及第一个 2 +态到基态的跃迁电荷密度 (TCD)。理论结果与实验值作了比较 ,理论能谱成功地再现了实验能谱 ,低能态间的约化E2跃迁矩阵元以及 2 +1 态到0 +1 态的跃迁电荷密度与相应的实验值符合也较好 ,表明此模型对该核的较低能态描述较为合理。
In this paper, calculations of spectrum, reduced E2 transition matrix elements, E2 transition boson structure functions(BSF) and E2 transition charge density(TCD) from first 2 + state to the ground state in 188 Os are carried out. Theoretical results are compared with the corresponiding experimental data. It is found that the theoretical spectrum can reproduce the experimental specturm successfully. In addition, the overall agreements of reduced E2 transition matrix elements between low-lying states and the E2 transition charge density from 2 + 1 to 0 + 1 state with the corresponding experimental data are quite good, too. This means that a reasonable description of low-lying states in 188 Os can be reached in the model.
Journal of Anhui University(Natural Science Edition)