根据两榀高效预应力叠合框架和一榀整浇框架的实测资料 ,对预应力叠合框架柱和整浇框架柱的受力性能进行了对比研究 ,分析了叠合框架柱在水平低周荷载作用下进入弹塑性阶段后 ,受拉区钢筋出现应变超前的本质原因。提出了水平低周反复荷载下叠合框架节点刚度弱化现象及加强节点刚度的构造措施 ,对高效预应力叠合框架在地震区的应用具有现实意义。
According to the practical datum of two pieces of HPC composite frame and one piece of RC frame, the forcing behavior of HPC composite frame column and RC frame is compared and studied. Some essential causes of composite frame column showing pre going strain in pulling steel under laterally reversed low cyclic loading after entering elastic plastic phase are analysised. This author also presents the failure phenomenon of rigidity of joint. It is significant for HPC composite frame to be applied in seismic region.
Journal of Changsha Communications University
湖南省自然科学基金资助项目 (97JJY2 0 34)