探讨了投资决策中的效用理论在股票投资中运用的可行性及运用方法 ,给出了比较理性、科学的投资者对股票价格的效用曲线 ,分析了影响股票投资决策的主要因素 (如每股税后利润、资本公积金及流通股本大小 )的效用曲线 。
Discusses the feasibility and the methed of application of effectiveness theory in stock investment,scientifical effectivement curve in the stock investment and analyses the primary influence factors (such as one stock profit after tax , capital surplus and the amount of stock being circulated in ) in stock investment and the effectivement curve. After which this paper puts forward the problems that must be considered in using effectiveness theory and that must be further analyzed in the stock investment.
Journal of East China Shipbuilding Institute(Natural Science Edition)