在半干旱荒漠草原带沙地,采用覆盖45t· hm-2的麦草,且保持覆草厚度 25cm,可以使在减少灌溉3次的情况下,增加果树产量6300 kg· hm-2,降低果树生产成本3000元· hm-2。覆草改变了土壤的解冻时间,将果树开花推后7d左右,增加了果树开花躲过晚霜的可能性,增强了果树生产的稳定性。在地处半干旱荒漠草原地带农牧交错地区用麦草覆盖是因地制宜、就地取材管理果园的经济方法,建议大量推广。
The experiment of surface mulch at sandy land orchard in semi-arid desert steppe showed that: ①mulching dry wheat straw with thickness of 25 cm(45t·hm-2) reduced the cost of fruit production about 3000 Yuan. hm-2, and increased yield of fruit about 6300 kg·hm-2 under the condition of three times irrigation minus during growing season compared with orchard without mulching;②mulching also altered the soil thawing time, which can postpone the tree flowering about 7 days. This alternative can decrease effectively the probability of tree flower being freezingly injured (May 1, usually), as a result the stability of orchard production can be improved. Therefore, surface mulch is recommended to be used extensively in the management of orchard in semi-arid sandy land.
Journal of Desert Research