热带雨林的碳循环及其在全球碳循环中的作用 ,已经成为当前的热点研究问题。热带雨林的碳循环包括植物的固碳作用、归还作用和再利用、流失及贮存三个过程 ,并具有周期短、贮存量大、复杂性及封闭性强的特点。而且热带雨林的碳循环对全球碳循环、全球变化、生态系统、环境和可持续发展以及人类本身有巨大影响 ,但是由于热带林地的土地利用每年造成相当大的碳净释放 ,并带来一系列的环境问题 ,因此深入开展对热带雨林的研究 ,以及合理利用、开发和保护 ,实现热带雨林的可持续发展意义十分重大。
Because tropical rainforest has a great amount of biomass and primary production, it has a good ability for fixing CO 2, which could make the “greenhouse effect” on the earth. The carbon cycling of tropical rainforest has become a hot point for research. This cycling is characterized by short cycling period, giant storage, strong complexity and closing. The carbon cycling of tropical rainforest contains three main processes, such as carbon fixation, returning and recycling, losing and storage. It could enormously influence the global carbon cycling, global change, ecosystem, sustainable development and human life. Great attention should be paid to better management and conservation of tropical forest, and more research work need to be done, as a large amount of carbon is released into the atmosphere that results in many environmental problems due to irrational land use in tropical rainforest.
Tropical Geography