
新时期大都市周边地区城市定位研究——以苏州与上海关系为例 被引量:33

Study on the City Orientation in Peripheral Areas of Metropolis in the New Era——A case study of the relation between Shanghai and Suzhou
摘要 以大都市圈理论、区位理论、比较优势理论和共生理论为基础 ,从区域分工与协作的角度 ,探讨了在经济全球化和市场一体化背景下 ,大都市上海周边的大城市苏州未来发展的区域空间定位、产业定位和城市特色定位以及实现定位的途径。 On the basis of the theories of metropolitan area, location, comparative advantage and symbiosis, this article probes into the future orientations of Suzhou, which is located in the peripheral areas of Shanghai metropolitan area, under the background of economic globalization and market integration from the perspective of labor division and coordination between regions It draws following conclusions: (1) In terms of city space orientation, Suzhou, as a subsidiary city, should lay particular emphasis on the construction of its processing function and manufacturing base It should actively take part in international activities of Shanghai metropolitan areas, and share out the work and cooperate with Shanghai in tourism, banking and port construction (2) In terms of industry orientation, Suzhou should give priority to high technology and export oriented industries, and coordinate relationship among primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry (3) In terms of urban feature, Suzhou should pay particular attention to its famous historical and cultural characteristics and the amenity of living environment In the end, the article puts forward thinking on how to develop and how to carry out these orientations The precondition of implementing these orientations is strengthening construction of regional infrastructure network.The key of implementing these orientations is enhancing labor division and cooperation between Suzhou and Shanghai. The impetus of implementing the orientation is constructing regional innovation network of integration of Suzhou and Shanghai. The basis of implementing these orientation is strengthening the harmony development of ecology and environment The authos hope that the article can serve as a references to the sound development between other cities in the metropolitan area in the Yangtze River Delta
出处 《地理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期158-163,共6页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 4 95 710 2 8) 苏州市政府 2 0 0 0年度重点资助项目部分研究成果
关键词 城市定位 周边地区 苏州市 产业定位 上海 都市圈 区位理论 比较优势理论 Orientation of city Peripheral areas of metropolis Theory of City Orientation Suzhou City
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