运用层次分析法和多指标加权求和方法得出中国城市科教职能综合评价指数 ,并用纳尔逊统计分析方法分析的结果作为科教职能等级划分的依据 ,把中国科教职能城市分为四个大级、六个亚级。据此分析得出中国科教中心城市的空间分布特征 ,无论从数量上还是从职能强度上都呈现出由东向西递减的趋势 ,且明显地偏集于环渤海区和华东区。针对其中存在的问题 ,提出了今后的发展对策 :加快中西部地带科技和教育的发展 ,地方政府对中小型科教中心城市应给予政策倾斜和投入支持 。
Using Anlytical Herarchy Process and the multi index weighted averages method, the authors have calculated the composite evaluating index of the science and technology and educational urban function in China, according to which Chinese cities of science and technology and educational function have been grouped into 4 main categories and 6 sub categories by applying the Nelson classification measure supplementarily The object of study is 209 Chinese cities in 1995 In order to stress the science and technology and educational function of some cities, the authors have chosen 85 cities which have Master's degree authorities as the evaluated samples The evaluating index consists of 5 variables of the 85 cities Two of them represent the science and technology function They are the members of scientific and technical staff and the staff members of the professional titles above middle rank The other three variables represent the educational function They are the members of the students in colleges and universities, the members of enrolled Masters, and the key discipline members of institutes of higher learning,which had been promulgated by the State Council academic degree committee The general spatial features of Chinese cities of science and technology and educational function show that whether the quantity or the functional intensity decreases progressively from the east to the west in China and most of the cities center on the areas around Bohaisea and East China The authors have found some existing problems 1)The functional grade difference of the 85 cities is large 2) The middle sized and small cities of science and technology and educational function relatively develop slowly 3)Some cities'science and technology and educational functions are not fit in with the their development The relavent suggestions also have been given It is necessary to speed up the development of the science and technology and educational enterprises in the middle and in the east in China The local states should strengthen the investment and policies, encourage the science and technology and educational strength in the east to join the west development,attract talented persons in order to promote their development strength and competition capacity All these measures will benefit narrowing the development gap between the west and the east in China
Scientia Geographica Sinica
Science and technology and educational function
Functional grade
Composite evaluating index
Cities of science and technology and educational function