天然红、兰宝石、自然产出数量较少,因此被人们视为珍贵的饰品,而自然界与红兰宝石相似的矿物较多,现 代还有通过人工合成的各种宝石。为辨别真伪优劣确定其所属,可用各种物理的;硬度、密度、折光率测定和 矿物晶体镜下鉴别方法,进行鉴别。
The occurrence of natural ruby and sapphire are relatively at a small amount, therefore, they have been considered as the precious ornaments cherished by the people. However, in the natural world, the minerals similar to the ruby and sapphire are at a big amount and even there exsit various kinds of artificial gems at present time.In order to tell the true from the false,the best from the poor,different physical methods and mineral crystal analysis have been adopted to discriminate their hardness, density and refraction etc..