回顾了新中国成立前后我国由不能生产到生产出第一根无缝钢管,直至发展成为世界第一大无缝钢管生产国的历史,详细介绍了我国无缝钢管重点生产厂——鞍钢无缝钢管厂、攀钢集团成都无缝钢管有限责任公司、上海宝钢集团钢管分公司、天津钢管公司、包钢无缝钢管厂、衡阳钢管 (集团 )有限公司以及大冶无缝钢管厂的设备及产品情况,探讨了我国无缝钢管生产今后发展的方向。
: The co- authors review the footage of development of the domestic seamless steel tube industry from zero to producing the first seamless steel tube to being the largest seamless steel tube producing country,since foundation of P.R.China.Also described are details concerning equipment and product lines of such major seamless steel tube makers like Angang Seamless Steel Tube Plant,Pangang Group Chengdu Seamless Steel Tube Co.,Ltd.,Baosfeel Group Seamless Steel Tube Co.,Tianjin Steel Tube Co.,Baogang Seamless Steel Tube Plant,Hengyang Steel(Group)Co.,Ltd.and Daye Seamless Steel Tube Plant.In addition,development trend of domestic seamless steel tube industry is forecast.
Steel Pipe