本文简要叙述了我国对铂族金属资源量的需求、保证程度 ,并对比分析了各种类型铂族金属矿床的资源发展趋势 ;重点对我国攀西—滇中地区诺里尔斯克苦橄质火山 侵入岩型铜镍铂矿床、上扬子湘黔地区黑色页岩型钼镍铂矿床和四川会理构造蚀变岩型铂族元素矿床进行了资源前景分析 ,并认为极有可能在这几种类型中取得找矿突破。其中黑色页岩和构造蚀变岩型铂族金属矿床是近期发现的新类型矿床。
This paper is based on the comparision of the resourec requirement and guarantee degree of PGE metals and the resource development trend of all kinds of PGE deposits between China and countires abroad. The study is focused on the resource prospects of the Norilskian picrite volcanic intrusive type copper, nickel and platinum deposits in Panxi Dianzhong area (the area of Panzhihua and Xichang in Sichuan Province and central Yunnan Province),the black shale type molybdite, nickel, platinum deposits in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Hunan and Guizhou Provinces and the Huili tectonic alteration type platinum group elements deposit in Sichuan Province. It is pointed out that advances in the prospecting work for the three types of PGE deposits are quite splendid in China. Among these deposits, the black shale and tectonic alteration type platinum group elements deposits are new types of ore deposits discovered recently.
Acta Geoscientica Sinica
地质大调查资助!项目"我国新类型矿床找矿前景评价"(DKD992 0 0 5 )
国家重点基础研究项目! (G19990 432 0 0 )的部分成果