目的 :研究低频超声药物渗透治疗仪在治疗兔足重度冻伤中的作用 ,为其临床应用提供依据。方法 :兔足在 - 2 5℃、95%乙醇中浸泡造成重度冻伤 ,冻肢融化后 4h ,采用单纯治疗仪、治疗仪 +环丙沙星、抗栓Ⅱ号、治疗仪 +环丙沙星与抗栓Ⅱ号合用 (综合治疗 )等治疗方法 ,并进行比较。结果 :单纯使用环丙沙星或单纯使用治疗仪及治疗仪 +环丙沙星的治疗效果均不明显 ,其兔足活存面积分别为 ( 2 5.4± 7.5) %、( 2 2 .6± 9.4 ) %、和 ( 2 4 .3± 6.4 ) % ,与对照组的 ( 2 0 .7± 4 .3) %比较无显著性差异。抗栓Ⅱ号和综合治疗组的兔足活存面积分别为 ( 51.8± 17.2 ) %和( 67.4± 2 0 .9) % ,均非常显著高于对照组 (P <0 .0 1) ,且后者效果更优于前者 (P <0 .0 5)。结论 :低频超声促渗环丙沙星协同抗栓Ⅱ号综合治疗能提高重度冻伤的治疗效果。
Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect of low-frequency ultrasonic transdermal drug delivery machine on severe frostbite of rabbit foot and to provide basis for clinical use of them. Methods: The hind feet of rabbits were frozen in a cooling bath containing 95% alcohol maintained at a temperature of -25 ℃ to form severe frostbite, then were thawed at 20 ℃ of water. Ciprofloxacin, simple machine therapy, machine+Ciprofloxacin, Antithrombosis Ⅱ and combined therapy(machine+Ciprofloxacin combined with Antithrombosis Ⅱ)were used 4 h after thawing.Results:The survival areas of frostbitten rabbit feet in Ciprofloxacin, simple machine therapy, and machine+Ciprofloxacin groups were(25.4±7.5)%,(22.6±9.4)% amd (24.3±6.4)% respectively, which were not significantly different from that of control (20.7±4.3)%. But the survival areas in Antithrombosis Ⅱ and combined therapy groups were(51.8±17.2)% and (67.4±20.9)% respectively, significantly higher than that of control(P<0.01),and the latter was more effevtive than the former(P<0.05).Conclusion: Low-frequenvy ultrasonic transdermal Ciprofloxacin delivery combined with Antithrombosis Ⅱ could increase the therapeutic effects on severe frostbite.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army