文章通过CRT显示器、液晶显示器 (LCD)和等离子体显示器 (PDP)上进行的实验来比较它们在人机工效方面的差异。实验结果与分析表明 :LCD显示器在人眼对图符和字符的判读效率方面比CRT和PDP显示器好 ;在分辨颜色时 ,人眼对HLS模型中的亮度 (L)和色调 (H)的变化比较敏感 ,对饱和度 (S)的变化最不敏感 ,对蓝色的分辨能力强于对红色和绿色的分辨能力。实验还发现 :为提高图符的视觉工效 ,应使屏幕前后背景色保证一定的亮度对比度和饱和度差异。
The experiments on ergonomics of CRTs, LCDs and PDPs were carried on The results indicated that it was more efficient for people to identify the icons and characters on LCDs than CRTs and PDPs It also showed that the discriminative ability for blue color was better than green and red colors Generally speaking, if the normalized light contrast of foreground color and background color approached to 1 or \|1, the visual performance would be preferable on these three kinds of displays The result also showed that the human eyes were more sensitive to the difference of hue and lightness of the color than of the saturation
Chinese Journal of Ergonomics