自西方文艺复兴和启蒙运动以来 ,人类实现了巨大进步 ,但也引发了“全球问题”的出现和加剧 ,人类进化处于某种关口。世界关于社会发展问题的探讨 ,纵向地看 ,大体可以分为如下一些取向 :一、“增长即发展”观点的余波 ;二、以第三世界理论代言人身份出现的“依附论” ;三、福利经济学对西方主流经济学的弥补 ;四、以罗马俱乐部为代表的“增长极限论” ;五、“可持续发展战略” ;六、“以人为中心”模式。不能用“以人为中心”的模式代替“可持续发展战略”
Since the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, mankind has made a great progress but also caused the global problems that push the human to the strategic passes. The discussions about the problems of the social development in the world are divided as the followings: the repercussions of the view of “increasing is developing', “the theory of attachment' appeared as the theoretical spokesman of the third world, the remedy of the welfare economics to the western general economics, “the theory of increase limit' represented by Roman club, “the strategy of sustained development' and the model of “taking human as center'. But the model of “taking human as center' can not take the place of the “the strategy of sustained development'.
Journal of Yulin Normal University