清中叶前后 ,广西作家蜂起 ,在文学史上是一个颇为值得研究的现象。而在清代广西的作家中 ,若论文学创作涉及的体裁门类之多、作品数量之大及艺术成就之高 ,盖当推容县籍的王维新。他在诗、词、曲、赋、文、乐律、志书等方面均有建树 ,著述颇丰。惜迄今未见有对其遗著的系统整理和研究。本文对王维新的生平及其文学著作的几个主要体裁作品作简要探讨论述 。
Round about the Qing Dynasty, a group of Guangxi writers came to the force and this is a phenomenon worthy of studying in literature history. Among the writers, Wang Weixin is one whose types, quantity and art of literature rank first. Being a prolific author, he made a contribution in poetry, ci poems, qu verse, rhyme prose, essay, regulated verse and local histories. But it is a pity that no one systematizes and studies his writings so far. This article makes a brief introduction and discussion to Wang Weixin's life and his master pieces to prove his position in the literature of Qing Dynasty.
Journal of Yulin Normal University