闻一多是中国近现代一位著名的学者 ,因为深受“史料学派”的影响 ,20世纪初期 ,他就开始在古小说中整理史料。他首先将见存的唐人小说划分为两大类别六个等级 ,以此厘定各部小说史料价值的高低 ,方便后学 ;其次 ,他又利用整理古小说得来的史料增补书志、考辩唐诗和编辑多种史料长编 ,成就不凡。因此 。
Deeply influenced by 'the historical materials school', Wen Yiduo, a famous scholar in Modern China, began to collect historical materials from ancient novels since the beginning of 20th century. Firstly, he evaluated the novels' contribution to the historical records by dividing the novels written in Tang Dynasty into two groups and six grades for helping the later history experts. Secondly, he made full use of the materials of the collections and gained remarkable achievements in the complement of other historical documents, the reclification of Tang Poetry and the edition of various data lengths. Therefore, Wen Yiduo is regarded as a pioneer in the historical research on ancient novels.
Journal of Yulin Normal University