作为主流文化的反面和制衡 ,“学衡派”与中国现代文化的发展息息相关。沈卫威博士的专著《回眸“学衡派”》是一部研究文化保守主义现代命运的力作。沈博士令人信服地解决了这个独具特色文化派别的历史评价问题 ;对“学衡派”
Acting as an opposite and governing equilibrium of the main culture, the school of ″the Critical View″ is closely linked with the development of the modern Chinese culture. The monograph ″Retrospecting on ′The Critical View′″ written by Dr. SHEN Wei wei is a forceful writing on studing cultural conservatism and its fate. Dr. SHEN has convincingly solved the problem of the historical evaluation for the specifically featured culture school. His works also reveals many new ideas on and a new break through to the research of the case of the three main characters of ″the Critical View″.
Journal of Luoyang University