用稀释平板计数法对摄食含尿素饲料和对照饲料的健康鲤鱼 (Cyprinuscarpio )肠道内菌群进行了分析。结果表明对照组鲤鱼肠道中需氧、兼性厌氧优势菌为气单胞菌属、芽孢杆菌属、葡萄球菌属和微球菌属 ,可以利用尿素的细菌占细菌总数的 55% ;试验组中优势菌为芽孢杆菌属、肠杆菌科和葡萄球菌属 ,微球菌属和气单胞菌属数量明显减少 ,假单孢菌属和产碱菌属则未检出 ,新检测出不动杆菌属 ,能利用尿素的细菌占总数的 85%。
Variations of the composition and number of the bacteria microflora in the digestive tract of carp after feeding artificial feed with and without urea were studied The results showed that the advantageous microflora in the digestive tract of carp in controls were Bacillus and Aeromonas ,but in the tests the advantageous microflova were Bacillus ,Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus. It was also found that the total number of bacteria in the digestive tract of carp was different , and the percentage of bacteria capable of utilizing urea was 55% in control and 85% in tests. In tests a new kind of bacterium—Acinetobacter was found, but Pseudomonas and Alcaligenes were not detected.
Journal of Hubei Agricultural College
湖北省教育厅资助项目 (水产学 2 40 )