选择苏禽 96鸡胚胎从孵化 3 d开始至 1 8d止 ,对胚胎及其部分组织器官进行测量 ,并对各测量值进行生长分析。结果表明 :胚胎和部分组织器官的重量和长度逐日增长 ,呈先快后慢的生长发育特点。相对生长分析表明 :生长最强烈的时期正是胚胎组织器官处于分化的时期 ,其新陈代谢最旺盛。在孵化 7~ 9d,相对生长速度除体重和肺脏之外 ,其余器官均呈现强烈的生长 ,而体重和肺脏则分别在孵化 3~ 5和 1 3 d出现强烈的生长。绝对生长分析表明 :各个组织器官随分化而加快生长 ,一旦器官分化方向决定 ,则开始加快生长。体重、心脏重、肝脏重、前肢重、后肢重、胫长、喙长等性状在孵化 1 0~ 1 1 d,绝对生长速度开始加快 ,1 6d时达到生长高峰期。体长和头长的绝对生长速度出现快慢交替的波浪式生长规律。累积生长分析表明 :同一时期各器官生长速度不一致 ,可能与其功能需要有关。体重、肝脏重、肺脏重、卵巢重、睾丸长、头重、喙长等性状的累积生长逐日平缓生长 ,起伏不大 ,而体长、心脏重、头长、前肢重、后肢重、前肢长、后肢长、第 3趾长、胫长、眼泡直径等性状的累积生长 ,从孵化 5~ 6d开始加快速度生长 ,持续到 1 6d达到高峰期 。
The Su chick 96 embryonic body weight and partial organ growth of from the third hatching day to the 18th hatching day were studied. The results showed that embryonic body weight and the weight or length of partial organs were grew increasingly day by day and showed off fast slow growth regulation. In the 7~9th hatching, the relative growth rate of all studied organs were intense growth except for body weight and lung weight, whose intense growth rate were respectively in the 3~5th and the 13th hatching day. In the 10~11th hatching day, the weights of body, heart, liver, forelegs and hindlegs and the legths of shin and beak, the absolute growth rate begins speed. In the 16th hatching, they were reach the growth summit. The absolute growth rate of the length of body and head showed off alternately fast slow growth regulation. The weight of head, liver, lung and the lengty of ovary, testis and beak were grew gently day and day. The accumulative growth of the weight of liver, forelegs and hind legs and the length of body, head, forelegs, hind legs and shin and the diameter of upper eyelid begin to speed from the 5~6th hatching day, and reach the summit at the 16th hatching day, then begin to grow slowly.
江苏省自然科学基金资助项目 (BK970 75 )