存在文学是一种人生文学、哲学文学。存在文学家将对人类现实的认知———否定与肯定、对人生的体验———对抗与悲哀镶进自己构建的艺术世界 ,向世人展示了一种关于人的存在哲理 ,为生活在荒诞世界中的不幸的人们提供一种选择的人生方式。
Existential literature is a literature of life and philosophy. By incorporating in the artistic domain their cognition of human reality (negation and affirmation) and experience of life (antagonism and sorrow), writers of existential literature have revealed to the world an existential philosophy on human beings and provided an alternative way of life for unfortunate people in the weird world.
Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)