玛格丽特·劳伦斯在马那瓦卡系列小说中 ,运用独特的女性写作方式 ,刻画出一群执著探求存在意义及自我价值的女性形象 ,并以此来挑战以男性视角为中心的文学传统。凸现了劳伦斯为阐述女性在父权制的话语中“言说生命真相”
In the Manawaka novels, Margaret Laurence has employed the unique way of female writing to challenge the male centered narrative tradition through depicting a series of questing heroines in the patriarchal context. This paper analyzes the significant relationships between silence & voice, self & mirror, and demonstrates Laurence's narrative strategy for the struggle of verbal consciousness by the female protagonists.
Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)