在自然、产出、人力和社会四大资本中 ,西部和东部相比较 ,除在自然资本方面有一定优势外 ,其余三大资本均显落后 ,尤其是人力资本的“瓶颈”制约着西部社会经济的发展。因此 ,西部开发的关键在于人力资本的积聚。只有具备大量的专门人才 ,才能不断提高西部的劳动生产率 ,增强市场竞争力。从人力资本积聚的层面上看 ,西部大开发不需要伴随人口数量的大幅增长 ,相反还要有效控制人口增长。控制人口数量、提高人口素质是西部人力资本积聚过程中必然的人口政策选择。
Of the four sorts of capital: natural resources, productivity, personnel and society, the west part of China is only superior to its east and middle parts in the first one—natural resources. The crucial factor, personnel, has strongly restricted the economic development in the west. Henceforth, how to aggregate personnel for its economic growth is the key point in the effective development of China's west. If large numbers of talented people can be gathered there, its productivity can be developed efficaciously on and on, and its power for market competition can be strengthened. However, mentioning personnel, the writer does not mean that the population of the west should be expanded if development is expected. On the contrary, its population should be placed under strict control. In reality, how to well plan the development of its population and how to upgrade the quality of its people are two key points that should be taken into consideration in the process of making its policy for the expansion of personnel.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
the development of China's west
the structure of capital
aggregation of personnel